Beyond The Crusade: The "Star Wars: Crusade of the Rebellion" Production Podcast - Episode 5: Looking Back & Looking Ahead
“Beyond the Crusade” is back after a long hiatus (thanks to the pandemic PLUS social
and political turmoil), and the show's back to announce that CRUSADE OF THE REBELLION is also coming back after its own hiatus. Episode
7 is moving into production! We talk about release schedules and goals.
Here at Lion's Mouth Entertainment we do our best to produce quality audio dramas that will (hopefully) carry you away to other worlds
near and far. For over ten years we've been working on mostly pre-licensed property - LME started out producing Star Wars audio dramas
and we've stuck mostly to that over the last decade. But we are preparing to branch out into new and truly original territories as
we look to expand our horizons to bring you some of the best in audio entertainment. While we've got many big projects on the burner,
you can check out our library of productions, including our older and lower quality projects - and we hope you enjoy what you hear!
If you enjoy our
STAR WARS fan audio dramas, check out our sister-site, STARKILLER SOUND. is your home on the
Internet for
Star Wars fan audio dramas, with an ever-growing library that spans from the very first Internet-ready fan audio
drama in 2003 on up to the latest releases, with new entries being added frequently as we discover them on the Net. Visit
today, and start listening to sounds from a galaxy far, far away.